32nd Squadron   in Black & White

In Winter 1968/1969, F-102A O-56-0982 got a flat tire at the nose wheel during takeoff...The pilot noticed the incident in time and immediately

put off the afterburner. O-56-0982-55-CO is seen here in the late afternoon on the outer right-side of runway 09-27 at Soesterberg, while rolling

out after the unsuccessful takeoff attempt.

F-15C 79-0015-24-MC returning from another mission on Tuesday August 1, 1982.                                                                        Photos: C. Vermolen.

Picture of “Phantom” 68-0426-39-MC from the beginning of the 32nd F-4E era. The 17th A. F. and 32nd T.F.S. insignias were not yet visible on

the plane’s fuselage. (7-6-1970).

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