McDONNELL F-4E-61-MC “PHANTOM II” (c/n 4838) 74-1053 32nd T.F.S./17th A.F. U.S.A.F.E. Soesterberg, Monday April 17, 1978.
The F-4E’s of 32nd T.F.S. were often trained in dog-fighting with the F-5E “Tigers” of 527th T.F.T.A.S. (Tactical Fighter Training Agressor Sqdn.)
from R.A.F. Alconbury, England. This was called ‘D.A.C.T.’(Dissimilar Air Combat Training). So no wonder in those years the F-5E “Tigers” were
regular visitors at Soesterberg A.B. Note the back-view mirrors, which are mounted on the frame of the rear canopy.
Photos: C. Vermolen.